慶應義塾大学産業研究所・大学院経済学研究科 教授
Journal of International Economics, Journal of Public Economicsなどの国際的な学術誌に論文多数.著書に『拡大する直接投資と日本企業』(NTT出版),
Kozo Kiyota
Keio Economic Observatory and Graduate School of Economics
Kozo Kiyota is a professor of Economics at the Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University in Japan.
He received his B.A. in Economics from Keio University in 1996, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Keio University in 2002.
His research expertise is empirical international economics.
He has numerous publications in international journals, including “A Many-cone World?” Journal of International Economics, 2012; “International Productivity Gaps and the Export Status of Firms: Evidence from France and Japan” (with F. Bellone, T. Matsuura, P. Musso, and L. Nesta) European Economic Review, 2014, and “The Effect of Moving to a Territorial Tax System on Profit Repatriation: Evidence from Japan,” (with M. Hasegawa) Journal of Public Economics, 2017.
He received several prizes such as the Ishikawa Prize from the Japanese Economic Association and the Nikkei Award for the Best Economics Books from the Nikkei Inc.
He is also a:
-Member of the NPA’s examination committee for the National Civil Service Examination
-Member of the Ministry of Finance Advisory Council
-Member of the CMA (Certified Member Analyst of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan) Education and Examination Program of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan (SAAJ)
Q&A by Kiyota
1. 経済学部のホームページに名前が見つからないのですが
2. ゼミでは 何を学ぶのですか?
3. 次は何名の募集になりますか?
4. 他学部生やPEARL生も応募できますか?また,在籍中の留学は認められますか?
5. ゼミの選考はどのように行われますか?
6. ゼミに入るための必要条件はありますか?
7. ゼミの曜限はいつですか?また,オンラインで行うのでしょうか?
– 春学期:水曜日5-6限(PEARL生の授業と重なるのを避けるためです)
– 秋学期;水曜日4-5限
– 2021年度はハイブリッド形式(オンラインとオンキャンパスの同時並行)で行っています.
8. 合宿やインゼミなどの活動はありますか?
9. 体育会や資格試験で多忙なのですが,ついていけますか?
10. ゼミは日本語で行いますか?
11. 留学の経験がなく,英会話が苦手です.
1. Who am I?
I am a professor of economics at Keio Economic Observatory. I also have a joint appointment at the Graduate School of Economics, Keio University. At Keio, I have taught graduate students, and organized research workshops for faculty members and graduate students.
2. What are we going to learn?
We will study international economics and business data science. For the international economics, we will read a standard textbook together. For the business data science, we plan to study statistics, econometrics, geospatial data analysis, network analysis, and machine learning, using statistical software/programming languages.
To study international economics, we plan to use the following textbook:
To study data analysis, we plan to use the following textbook:
3. How many students will be accepted?
Around 10 students in total.
4. Can the students of other faculties apply? Can PEARL students apply?
Yes. Students of other faculties and PEARL students are also welcome.
5. How will the selection be made?
The selection will be made based on essays, grades, and interview (English or Japanese). The detailed information will be announced later. It will also be helpful if you can submit a material that proves your English ability (e.g., TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, EIKEN, etc).
6. Are there any prerequisites to enter the seminar?
The applicants are expected to contact by e-mail (not LINE, Facebook, etc.). The applicants are also expected to have high moral standards, have the capacity to study well with others, and are down-to-earth.
There are no requirements for grades. However, some educational backgrounds on economics (macro/micro/international), econometrics, statistics, mathematics, computer programming, and data analysis will be helpful.
7. When is the class date and time?
Main session (Honzemi)
Date and time
– Spring term: 5-6 periods on Wednesday
– Fall term: 4-5 periods on Wednesday
– Hybrid format (online & on-campus synchronously)
8. Are there any side projects (extracurricular activities) such as a study camp?
Due to the COVID-19, we could not have a study camp this year. Nonetheless, we could do Inzemi (workshop with other seminars) with Hitotsubashi University, Keio University, Kyoto University, and the University of Tokyo. We could visit Kyoto University this year.
9. I am busy for other activities (e.g., certification exam). Can I keep up with the seminar’s study schedule?
It is difficult to answer this question because it depends upon your ability and knowledge. I suggest that you check the textbook above before the application. I expect that the applicants are full of hustle.
10. Which language will be used?
We will mainly use English because we have PEARL students, though some usage of Japanese is allowed.
11. I cannot speak English well.
Me either, let’s work on it together.